Hello there bright soul,

Wow it is August of 20204 already, this year is flying at lightspeed! Are you feeling the effects of the quickening in your life? How are these energies treating you so far this year? These accelerations can give us sensations of whiplash from the sheer G force as even more rapidly as we quantum jump through shifts, changes and surprise endings or beginnings. It is so important to breathe deeply and ground ourselves into the Earth as we are flying forward, to take a lesson from the Tree people, root deep to rise high.
The Universe has a way of gifting us abundantly to balance the intensity with increased access to photonic light for heart opening, sensations of pure love and magic, healing, miracles and collaborations, though these can be subtle and we must be in a frequency of present moment awareness through the heart in order to hear. When we focus and align our heart with our higher mind the results can be instantaneous, but we must exert the mastery to align with this.
Have you noticed that despite the chaos “out there” more and more people are awakening? Of course this is not being broadcast on any mainstream media but if you look, you can see humanity ascending left and right all around you whether out on the street, the local grocer or in online forums. This is the nature of contrast, to shake us up out of amnesia. What appears to be one thing is a holistic upgrade to push us out of comfort zones into the expansive and often explosive qualities of a star being born.
This year we are celebrating more and more souls awakening to their solar consciousness than ever before. August brings the 888 gates to us to remember our golden truths, the kernels of authentic self nestled deeply within the petals of our hearts. These soul seeds are ready to come forth and be nurtured by the divine golden crystalline solar energies to awaken. This crystalline solar logos energy is a golden, honey amber plasma flowing, containing both the heavenly Mother and Father frequencies to support our sacred rebirth as bright souls here on Earth.
Are you intrigued by the higher dimensional qualities of our Sun, wanting to know more about these healing energies and how to work with them, how to support your lightbody and physical body more during these times? Did you know that all the ancient ones before us were Sun worshippers who worked with the solar light energies daily through their bodies and consciousness for illumination, healing, technology and evolution?
Can you feel the inherent magic and empowerment pulsing through the word Solarian? This is because you are a Solarian! This is an aspect of your soul which expresses as a unique crystalline droplet of divine consciousness as YOU, a mini Sun walking around here on Earth. Through the years becoming a Solarian we have received beautiful wisdom, tools and lightbody technologies to support humanity awakening to these expanded aspects and are delighted to offer our work with these scared cosmic energies to nourish your process.
To celebrate this sublime opportunity I am offering 50% of all solar consciousness courses to support the embrace between Earthly and Heavenly realms merging into one unified heart, thought and expression.

The Council of Solar Rishi is my first solar course which came through as I was experiencing a lot of intense upgrades with the solar flares in 2020. This course introduces us to these Solar Rishi, Solar Logos interdimensional consciousness beings who share wisdom for our physical bodies, nervous system and lightbodies. They are like yogic fatherly guides from the Sun who work with the Solar angels to assist us through the ascension process. They love science and this course contains fascinating cosmic spaceweather information and resources so we can become empowered and aware of our cosmic weather. This course contains activations, videos and a spaceweather ebook
Spaceweather is what creates our local regional weather on Earth, so it is very important to step up, expand our awareness and watch the cosmic weather reports. Use coupon code Soular24 more details & registration here https://merissa-s-school.thinkific.com/courses/council-of-solar-rishi

Remembering Solaria is a mastery course with activations, videos and a Lightbody phase ebook to connect with your crystalline soul and activate these Solar DNA codons. This is a massive dive into the solar cosmic crystal soul energies, Use coupon code Soular24
more details & registration here https://merissa-s-school.thinkific.com/courses/solar-cosmic-sophia-7

Enjoy these golden freequencies broadcast through the activational art, guides, Lyrans, plant beings, andara in this post. Once you connect to the essence of this special solar energy you will see it everywhere. Breathe them into your heart and raydiate them through your entire body, flowing through you and spiraling into the fields all around you. There is so much here for us and we have to shut out the noise from outside to listen deeply and receive the blessings.
Welcome to the peak of solar energy during this sacred month of August! I love you.

In loving service,
Merissa Indigo AvataRa AshaRa
