March 22, 2024

Libra Eclipse Quantum Energy Support & Activate Dream Reality Blueprints w Neptune

      Welcome to the 1st Eclipse of 2024!! Balancing work with sacred play, utilizing transformational rituals, and daily holistic check-ins are emphasized, alongside flipping negative thinking with
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Spring Equinox Zero Degrees Aries March 20th 2024

    Equinox energy, Rebirth process, Internal work, Aries Holy Fire & Pisces Holy Cosmic Sea Elemental upgrades Date: March 20, 2024 The transmission highlights the Spring Equinox and
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March 13, 2024

Divine Humanity Template Restoration 3.12.24

  Helio Astronomy, Conjunction of Planets, Masculine and Feminine Forces, Lemurian Consciousness Revolution, Sacred Cultural Renaissance, Unity Consciousness Venus, Mars, Pluto Conjunct at 0 degrees in Aquarius This transmission
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March 12, 2024

Keep It Simple Codes of New Era Presence Paradigm Wisdom, Conscious Living Perceiving as Energy

#newearth #newera #newparadigm #purepresence #IAM Class in session! Merissa Indigo here from Divine DNA blueprint mystery school to deliver a new transmission from the forest, reflecting on the recent
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March 9, 2024

March Quantum Energies 2024 Karma Clearing, Timeline Reset, HyperJump Dimensional Realm Shifts

This is the strongest rebirth portal we have ever experienced. We are calling these new elevated opportunities of total life transformation the HyperJump Gates...
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February 22, 2024

0 Degrees Pisces Zero Point, Reframe Consciousness Welcome Pure Presence & Receive

adverse impact of contemporary society's focus on speed and immediate results, arguing that it leads to lack of patience and reduces mindfulness
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February 20, 2024

Welcome to the Quantum Playground!! How to live your ascension journey with grace, pure power and a good sense of humor

  Welcome to the Quantum Playground!! How to live your ascension journey with grace, pure power and a good sense of humor  Live online class Wednesday February 21at at 11am
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February 20, 2024

Keys Codes & Crossroads How to Function in the New Paradigm frequency, find Pure Power & Read Energy

Living, functioning and perceiving as energy is a whole new access point for us to explore and activate new levels of quantum mastery
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Prep for Pisces season deep emotional water, dynamic inner (R)Evolution, crystal pyramid activation

transition from Aquarian to Pisces energies, as we go from cerebral to deep oceans of emotion
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February 13, 2024

WISE Woman Monthly Mentoring session, Divine Feminine, Conscious Ascension panel, February 2024

This is a collection of micro practices for mind, body and spirit which can be done with just a few spare moments to enrich your day. Breathwork, self care
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