Welcome to this potent full moon portal, being the Crystal Buddha in the eye of the storm. Holding your peace and your love close, anchoring, rooting deeply into the earth to connect with the pure stability and power of that rooted earthy grounded bedrock in times of turbulence. It is very challenging to be stewards of peace, compassion, letting go and at the same time holding and maintaining a sense of fortitude with regards to our own refuge and shelter through so much uncertainty. Breaking the ego attachments is not fun, but a necessary step to liberation. Buddha was a Taurus, so it makes sense to find ourselves here now in April only a few days into Taurus season (2 days before my birthday too, so we are feeling it all so deeply with you dear beloved hearts).


These times, it takes more of a concerted effort and focused intent to cultivate our peace, our compassion and strength and avoid the spinning out. It is so important to be sure that we are fully present and coming from this rooted awareness with all of our activities, actions taken, and thought processes. To do what it takes to ensure that we are coming from the clarity of the crystalline now moment instead of subconscious fear, paranoia or mental instability. In moments like these, we are brutally shown the truth that grasping for anything outside

of ourselves is futile and actually works against us, our goals and dreams. That the addiction to the need to know or the details of HOW will not bring any comfort to us. There is nothing outside of us that will add or detract value, that is the illusion. We are addicted to and preprogrammed to fixate on the other person or the situation, the lack as it is perceived. This looking to the condition or circumstance to change in order to feel better is where the grand delusion causes the most suffering and instability. Go within to mine the thing you seek, if you look with all your might you will find it.


Open your toolbox, dig through your bag of magical tools, connect with nature and the sound, rhythm and sensations of your breath. Find your peace to emanate and become a steward of peace. A master lightbeing Jedi holding love close in the center of the hurricane. As the storm rages around us and through the material realms being the change we want to see means using all our resources at hand. It also means holding and confirming our loyalty to our values, which looks like prioritizing our values on a moment to moment basis, tending to our most treasured relationships, steadfastly cultivating our own self worth and then beaming, mirroring that frequency of integrity out into the world around us to assist others.


Being the lighthouse is our nature. We are unshakeable and just forgot due to the magnitude of the pressure we feel, the desires we long for and the impending changes. Being given one step at a time can be a very triggering quantum process for our mundane psychology, so we have to expand beyond and hold steady to what we do know to be true about ourselves as we walk through unknown territory. Cultivating this level of stability into the bedrock is a foundational process so that we can beam the light out while the waves crash upon the shore, BEing masters here, the keepers of the realms where waters meet land, masters of chaos, sourcing empowerment and pure power to create from the fertile void. This is the moment of the ship captain holding one hand steady on the helm feeling the pull of gravity, fueled by the intense magic and electricity of the storm with other hand out raised to the sky to receive the energy of all the magnificent potential manifestations looming on the horizon while laughing maniacally at the madness of the process. Yes you will make it through this storm to see a calm shore again. Yes you will receive the new job, the money, the new home or whatever it is that is testing you to surrender right now. Unsphincter your root. Honor that the not knowing is an empty concept, it means nothing and takes no power away from us unless we give it. Surrender the need to know the details, the next steps, how the _________ is going to come to relieve you and feel relief of being alive and surrounded by so much love despite this uncertainty.

The quantum space of not knowing the answer does not have any negative impact upon our inherent value. For now the task is being strong in the storm, committing to loving more deeply/purely, honoring your needs, inviting clarity in times of uncertainty and stoking the fires of faith within the hearth of our hearts. We are masters in disguise, but it is up to each of us to remember this, to OWN it fully in our faith and to broadcast this out into the collectives to show everyone how to be strong by becoming strength itself and love itself.

This energy is woven with the eclipses of October of last year. So we are cultivating and harvesting the benefits, the wealth of knowledge, wealth of wisdom, wealth of empowerment that we have gleaned from the last six months. You have far more within you, more capabilities and resources than you may realize. Dig deep to find them root deeply to rise high. Clarity and manifestations coming through next week, its not far away.

You are the miracle. You got this shift. I love you.


In loving service,

Merissa Indigo Miracles

Resources and opportunities to go deeper…

News Flash ALL Solar COURSES 50% OFF at the online mystery school with code SOULAR24!!!!!!

Solar sale 50% off all Solar consciousness & solar spaceweather mastery courses including the Council of Solar Rishi Use COUPON CODE Soular24


Remembering Solaria Cosmic Sophia Christ 50% off  Use COUPON CODE Soular24

  courses https://merissa-s-school.thinkific.com/courses/solar-cosmic-sophia-7?fbclid=IwAR1jWrNbK8CTrVIJ5ODbqKjfMcBa2D20orpmWc1klK9yT9DHVp0zs5l7uJs

We are honored to be a part of the living library, or what is known as the sacred knowledge economy of New Earth. Our life’s work as a scribe is to share cosmic wisdom for the soul to awaken, inspire and energize.

We have built an extensive course library at the DDB online mystery school to assist with the awakening journey whether for the body and breath or movement, dna clearing, working with solar aspects, meeting and collaborating with star family aspects, unearthing your divine blueprint true north compass, activating your intuitive gifts to become more clairvoyant and beyond.

Access Lightbody Prana Soul Embodiment course for physical ascension here https://divinednablueprintmysteryschool.divinednablueprint.com/courses/lightbody-prana-soul-embodiment

Access Oracle intuitive immersion here https://divinednablueprintmysteryschool.divinednablueprint.com/courses/rose-sophia-oracle-level-1-restore-the-prophetess-within

Gifted ebook True North to learn more about your blueprints through multiple wisdom traditions like astrology, numerology & human design here https://merissa-s-school.thinkific.com/courses/true-north-compass

Keep in touch! Subscribe to our monthly newsletter https://divinednablueprint.us13.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ab1cbef834d291f54e05de126&id=2c1c5f4a9c

Free Tai Qi Gung membership to connect with your inner power and experience yourself as an energetic being! https://circleofchi.com/ref/76/

Book a quantum heart or astrology soul session here https://divinednablueprint.com/product/soul-stream-sessions-one-on-one-consulting-support-for-personal-also-business-solutions/

Success Stories & Testimonials https://divinednablueprint.com/work-with-merissa/testimonials/

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