Sharing some vivid bright green and gold lightbody nutrition energies to nourish heart and soul ✨ Drinking the rays through the optic nerve and straight into the spinal cord, cerebellum, stem cells and dna we hear. Supporting deep releases and cracking open to embrace higher truths, divine missions, new gifts/abilities/abundance and greater love taking root to replace the old. Ride the waves of Pluto retro and all these awesome X & M class flares dear family, let er rip 🙏 ♥ 🔥🧲💫
🧲⚛🔥✨ I call these Pluto subconscious clearings the swamp when we are going through the sticky, repressed, suppressed or yucky old stuff clearing or purges. Humanity is collectively being forced to review distortions and trauma deeply buried in the subconscious. Lots of inner child pieces rising to be loved, nurtured too in folks (showing up to communicate through waking consciousness via sudden expressions of anger, resentment or projections, frustrations) This is where your inner child shows you the abandonment, betrayal or neglect imprints. No matter what it looks like, how uncomfortable it feels, go there and write out your scene. Make your healing theatrical, deep, vivid.
🧲⚛🔥✨Play with the visuals to get into your subconscious dungeons to retrieve your power. High noon desert sun blazing upon sizzling sand with dry cracked steer skulls and scorpions.
A flooded basement with mold and skeletons, dark still silent forest with eerie creaks to meet your fear. No one wants to seek their inner wounds, yet this is so necessary to see and love, forgive, release, whatever unifies these vital pieces. We all share a dream of world peace, this is how the miracles happen. By facing our demons and watching them dissolve into dust once our mighty hearts and light filled eyes cast a glance upon them, these illusions lose their grip and we are restored. That is how powerful you are. Welcome to Pluto at 2 degrees of Aquarius, now retrograde today. As we transform and learn how to see ourselves fully and unconditionally with love we also then simultaneously transform our relationship with others and the world at large. I love the planetary support here for us through every aspect of this journey. You got this, you’re doing it perfectly as long as you do it. 🤩🙌
Love & courage to you 🙏🥰
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✨About Merissa Indigo
Merissa leads through the heart with excitement, humor and passion for our human potential, esoteric quantum physics and alternative healing. As a blue ray Indigo Sapphire light technician, her insatiable thirst to explore all subjects related to health, our inherent human potential, the essence of consciousness, space weather, Earth-based indigenous traditions and sciences drives her daily work for humanity. At the age of 8 she experienced her first major awakening in the hospital after a near death experience from long term steroid medication which was prescribed for an autoimmune disorder. A metaphysician since early childhood initiations with angels and star family to resurrect her soul purpose mission, Merissa has accumulated a library of knowledge combined from life experience and study. Her background ranges from energy medicine, quantum mechanics, Ayurveda, gridwork, oracle transmissions and galactic elemental shamanism activated from her travels around the globe to receive codes from medicine elders and sacred sites. Merissa enthusiastically shares a wide range of wisdom and custom solutions or light systems to support humanity home during the shift into heart-centered wholeness, joy and connection. She serves as a bridge to New Earth soul-level embodied living with the Sophia Seraphim, Rose Council and Emerald Ray of Gaia Sophia. Her practice combines a variety of mystic traditions from all over the world both geographically on the grid and throughout the Akash, enabling her clients to experience an expansion of consciousness, transformation and actively engage in heart-centered living and healing on all levels. Her soul stream sessions are soul level readings in the oracle state which provide a deluge of information with practical custom systems to support mastery on the journey.
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