Happy New Moon in Libra! 🌙
Moon & Sun at 13 degrees in Libra (13 = divine feminine, divine mother and goddess aspects activation)
🔥 Pluto goes direct today as well at 24 degrees Capricorn (Major transformation of career goals, our aspirations and how we individually define success) This is HUGE for those of us who are ready to take what we have been internalizing outwards into the world, expressing our authentic power through our community interactions and career. We have a lot of information, now how to integrate it into action steps…
🔥 DEEP themes of personal power and the next level of our missions! How to allow faith to be stronger than our fear.
This is what we will explore in my upcoming webinar, Saturday October 9th at 12pm PST.
Venus (divine feminine soul aspects) has been in Scorpio (alchemy soul healing, shadow work), showing us our wounds and trauma AND how to reframe, to alchemically transform ourselves from inside out to become sources of pure power in service. The gifts of Pluto, the Phoenix Rising codes <3
Preparing for the next 3 planets going direct later this month (Saturn, Jupiter & then Mercury!) and the incoming 10.10 activation portal.
Calling all the Holy Women together who feel the call! Liberating & activating your divine holy woman aspects.
Holy Womb Chakra activations 🌹
Mantra sound technology for clearing & re-writing neural pathways to embody higher self
Visceral kinnection to Divine Mother as an ally, guide and partner
It all begins with the inner landscape. The Intel is inside. Extract it and merge with ascended master support, seraphim level support to match the incoming, unavoidable uplevel of your personal expression, frequency and life! Shift happens, and it is going to keep happening! Expansion is the game from now on. This is a marathon, not a sprint.
Partner with your soul and allies so instead of a battle, this all becomes a dance… 🌹 ✨
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