Let your Lightbody work FOR you! Crystalline Lightbody Creates Reality, Physical Ascension

Welcome to this podcast sharing a bit about my own personal re-alignment process from duality back to unity. We are moving locations and timelines so it has been one
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April 11, 2024

Heart of the Sun Lightbody Recharge, Mercury Cazimi, Quantum Manifestation, Guided meditation

    Welcome to this transmission to unite heart and divine mind with the solar logos codes. Merissa Indigo from Divine DNA Blueprint Mystery School covers post-eclipse lightbody recharging,
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April 7, 2024

Its time! Reclaim Pure Power, Liberated Souls w Black Panther Jaguar Tribe Initiation Eclipse RESET

    Welcome to the most powerful opportunity to hit the RESET button so far of our lives! We are preparing for the eclipse quantum acceleration, focusing on the
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April 4, 2024

In Betweens, Interdimensional Travel Timeline Shifts w Black Panther guide Eclipse Week April 2024

    Welcome to this quantum consciousness video all about the in between phases of our ascension and how to navigate with stability, confidence, a light heart and high
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March 12, 2024

Keep It Simple Codes of New Era Presence Paradigm Wisdom, Conscious Living Perceiving as Energy

#newearth #newera #newparadigm #purepresence #IAM Class in session! Merissa Indigo here from Divine DNA blueprint mystery school to deliver a new transmission from the forest, reflecting on the recent
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March 9, 2024

March Quantum Energies 2024 Karma Clearing, Timeline Reset, HyperJump Dimensional Realm Shifts

This is the strongest rebirth portal we have ever experienced. We are calling these new elevated opportunities of total life transformation the HyperJump Gates...
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February 20, 2024

Keys Codes & Crossroads How to Function in the New Paradigm frequency, find Pure Power & Read Energy

Living, functioning and perceiving as energy is a whole new access point for us to explore and activate new levels of quantum mastery
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Prep for Pisces season deep emotional water, dynamic inner (R)Evolution, crystal pyramid activation

transition from Aquarian to Pisces energies, as we go from cerebral to deep oceans of emotion
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February 13, 2024

WISE Woman Monthly Mentoring session, Divine Feminine, Conscious Ascension panel, February 2024

This is a collection of micro practices for mind, body and spirit which can be done with just a few spare moments to enrich your day. Breathwork, self care
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February 2, 2024

Art of Letting Go, Pursuing Conscious Evolution w Frog Spirit Medicine, New Paradigm Mentality

    Welcome to the sacred art of surrender or letting go of that which no longer serves. Time to release the dead weight and any misdirected focus of
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