Let your Lightbody work FOR you! Crystalline Lightbody Creates Reality, Physical Ascension

Welcome to this podcast sharing a bit about my own personal re-alignment process from duality back to unity. We are moving locations and timelines so it has been one
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March 22, 2024

Libra Eclipse Quantum Energy Support & Activate Dream Reality Blueprints w Neptune

      Welcome to the 1st Eclipse of 2024!! Balancing work with sacred play, utilizing transformational rituals, and daily holistic check-ins are emphasized, alongside flipping negative thinking with
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February 22, 2024

0 Degrees Pisces Zero Point, Reframe Consciousness Welcome Pure Presence & Receive

adverse impact of contemporary society's focus on speed and immediate results, arguing that it leads to lack of patience and reduces mindfulness
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Prep for Pisces season deep emotional water, dynamic inner (R)Evolution, crystal pyramid activation

transition from Aquarian to Pisces energies, as we go from cerebral to deep oceans of emotion
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February 2, 2024

Art of Letting Go, Pursuing Conscious Evolution w Frog Spirit Medicine, New Paradigm Mentality

    Welcome to the sacred art of surrender or letting go of that which no longer serves. Time to release the dead weight and any misdirected focus of
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December 26, 2023

Lightworker Diamond Dust Lightcode Glow Up Light Installation ~Daily Activation Raise to your Frequency

    Enjoy this powerful light filled activation process to amplify your soul light into your body and upgrade your energy, health, joy and daily life experience   When
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December 5, 2023

December quantum energies, embrace new story, season of light, sacred crystalline soul embodiment

  Welcome to the Season of Light! In this very special podcast episode we discuss the energies of December and emphasize the significance of the winter season, game changing
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October 18, 2023

Libra Eclipse Integration + Infinite Blessings Ritual & 4 Quantum Waves of Conscious Awakening

  Welcome to this transmission to support your integration of all the wisdom and initiations from this Libra eclipse on October 14th. Here we discuss the recent eclipse in
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May 28, 2022

Blue Lotus Essence Teachings

  The Blue Lotus, wow where to begin. Such a beautiful and deep mythos arrives through the presence of this gorgeous plant Being. It has such an intoxicating scent,
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March 21, 2022

Spring Equinox Zero Point Adaptation Portal ~Living pure presence in the unified field

Another massive reset opportunity since the 2.22.22!!! These invitations to zero-point living are now a constant so we can adopt a new practice, a new way of life each
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