Gridwork 101 Workshop


Monday September 21st 6pm PST via Zoom
Merging with the Elementals, the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms in nature. Environmental visionary activism at its most intimate and pure! If you love nature and want to help do your part to heal the planet, this workshop will empower, inspire and delight you. Think Captain Planet, Lightworker style 😊
Gridwork 101 will explore:
🌻Working with the energy grids of nature, our planet Gaia, and our bodies to connect more deeply to ourselves and all of creation
🌻Nourish and heal your body and the planetary body at the same time!
🌻Guided activation meditation


Gridwork is a special kind of devotional service to humanity, our planet, and all of creation! With grids we work consciously with various energy systems/fields at the micro and macro levels of BEing. Did you know your own energy fields merge at all times with all of creation? You naturally have a powerful loving impact on nature, your community and all of creation through mindful pure presence alone. Learn all about the energetic grid systems/fields of your own body, and how they interface/play upon our planet with her grids too! We are here in a magical symbiotic energy exchange, so let’s master this by lighting up!
In this workshop we will focus specifically on gridwork for the elemental realms, the nature kingdoms, and our planet, exploring deeply our profound role as conscious co-creators here to love up our beautiful home, mother Gaia and all her children. As we heal and connect more deeply individually our roles of healing the planet through our own healing journey become more apparent and more potent.
This workshop is for anyone who cares about nature, our planet, and our health too, as they are inseparable. If you have been wanting to actively participant in the healing of our planet and humanity, this information is for all those visionary activists out there!
Join us for this powerful and inspiring workshop as we gather to share our passionate love and appreciation for our planet Gaia, learn energy field/gridwork techniques to help heal the natural world, welcome in the Golden Age and dive deeply into the miracles of our organic body temple/technology too! It’s all connected!
We look forward to seeing you, sharing and serving together.

*Includes recorded replay with slide show and downloadable mp3 of the meditation activation after the event.

Zoom meeting room number & password will be sent in a separate email.


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