Welcome to this podcast sharing a bit about my own personal re-alignment process from duality back to unity. We are moving locations and timelines so it has been one heck of a process physically, emotionally and energetically. How do we live our life fully with soul...
Welcome to this video sharing the transition from Aquarian to Pisces energies, as we go from cerebral to deep oceans of emotion. We share experiences, lessons from the Aquarius season, emphasizing decision-making & strategizing for business sustainability....
The Blue Lotus, wow where to begin. Such a beautiful and deep mythos arrives through the presence of this gorgeous plant Being. It has such an intoxicating scent, just the physical flower itself is a stunning, sacred celestial geometric portal to explore. There...
Diamantine/Diamond consciousness, DNA and Diamond Lightbody codes for Humanity started coming in after the May 26th full moon eclipse as gifts/invitations/initiations/activations of June. Diamantine means made from or reminiscent of diamonds. June being the 6th month...
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