Welcome to the Quantum Playground!! How to live your ascension journey with grace, pure power and a good sense of humor 

Live online class Wednesday February 21at at 11am pst

Welcome to the Quantum Playground, where we explore all the real, raw and often times hilarious experiences of the ascension journey. This monthly heart activation show focuses on sharing real application of living the conscious, quantum life. Expect lots of laughs with our cosmic joke segment, a deep dive into the practical application of Quantum Playground rules in our daily life with family, at work and within, and enjoy the audience participation segment to contribute ideas and explore soulutions together too! Join us live on zoom at 11am pst for this expansive webinar where we will explore these fascinating access points in depth and work directly with you the audience, giving spot coaching.

Register to attend the live class only $33 here

Yes, Replay will be available to stream on demand too if you cannot make the live!

What is the Quantum Playground? To enter this frequency of conscious creation we are required to drop our baggage and leave it behind to access and program the directions to the Quantum Playground into our cosmic GPS…

When we participate within the Quantum Playground frequency, Source always welcomes your inner child to activate new levels of joy, creative expression and mastery as embodied souls having a divine human experience. To enter the frequency we are required to drop our baggage and leave it behind to access and program the directions to the quantum playground into our cosmic GPS. Here we come together for fun, laughter and a lightening of our spirit. We relate to your inner child’s innocence, softness and spontaneity to allow the flow of joy. We’re going to have fun with Ascension, expansions and growth. What a blast!

We’re a collective consciousness playing in an entirely new paradigm to create a pure New Earth reality. We’re here to show humanity the various levels of the Quantum Playground to uplevel and make the most of the new energies available. Learn the divine cosmic rules of the New Earth paradigm to play the consciousness game with more freedom, creativity and joy. We are starting at the basic levels because this is a new playing field. We’re in a new paradigm. We’re learning how to navigate, take personal power as sacred responsibility and really master this experience ourselves.

In each class we are covering the foundational principles like preschool if you will all the way to postgraduate or mastery levels. Learn the Quantum ABC and 123s to fly into your divine mastery. We emphasize self-responsibility in energy management, we share the established rules for the Quantum Playground endorsing self-love and the divine heart of a child as executing the golden rule. You will have so much fun with this because we journey through the frequency of sacred play which is the most potent vibration of all as divine creator beings here: it’s the inner child. It’s the play, the curiosity, brilliance, the freedom, it’s the return to innocence, all of it. We are each becoming divine source creators again, heart and soul centered living.

We are here to support humanity to bridge their highest timelines in the divine quantum world and co-create Heaven on Earth.

Register to attend the live class only $33 here


What we will cover for this Quantum Conversation

All of the above +

Introductory Rules of the Quantum Playground

In the Quantum Playground the rules are simple:

  • Leave your old stories, beliefs, any of the old paradigm self behind to embrace and make space for the new – none of the old applies anymore (worries, need to control, lack or victim consciousness as some examples
  • Retire/Hang up your boxing gloves and grab your cape – be present and enjoy the now when playing in the QP, there is no more battle or hardship
  • Be ready to share your joy and explore our infinite imagination
  • Pack a lunch box full of Love
  • Universe is abundant, and is loving in nature, have to trust this is the truth, God IS LOVE (substratum of universe, energy, quantum mechanics)
  • Golden Rule: self love pours forth into external, Universal divine harmonic Law of ONE
  • Keep your energy to yourself: Be responsible for your energy and do not project, align before any engagement with outside world, play responsibly, like keep your hands to yourself, keep your energy to yourself, keep your programming to yourself
  • Like children in the playground everyday I look forward to how the unknown will unfold
  • Always (Everyday) Humor in the Quantum Playground, we have some Sirius Fun
  • Laughing is a must when we play in the QP!!!

Sacred Playground Equipment



Energy frequency

Register to attend the live class only $33 here

Yes, Replay will be available to stream on demand too if you cannot make the live!





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