by Merissa | Sep 9, 2020 | Energy Reports
9.9 ComPLETION PORTAL 2020 cOMPLETE RE-WRITE OF YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS & FINAL STRETCH to access nEW eARTH tIMELINES Welcome to the energies of the 9.9 completion portal! These are amazing times to be here on planet Earth as we transition en masse...
by Merissa | Jun 7, 2020 | Ascension Tools
Ritual -Commanding Your connection, stability & empowerment through mindfulness practices Inner peace is an inside job It is already halfway through this most outrageous and expansive year. If 2020 has taught us anything thus far, it is that peace and...
by Merissa | May 29, 2020 | Plasma Stream Intel
Diamantine/Diamond consciousness, DNA and Diamond Lightbody codes for Humanity started coming in after the May 26th full moon eclipse as gifts/invitations/initiations/activations of June. Diamantine means made from or reminiscent of diamonds. June being the 6th month...
by Merissa | May 29, 2020 | Energy Reports, Plasma Stream Intel
Diamantine/Diamond consciousness, DNA and Diamond Lightbody codes for Humanity started coming in after the May 26th full moon eclipse as gifts/invitations/initiations/activations of June. Diamantine means made from or reminiscent of diamonds. June being the 6th...
by Merissa | Apr 2, 2020 | Ascension Tools, Plasma Stream Intel
The ultimate energetic network of everything ever created by each person in their mind, imagination, or aloud What is the Dreamweave? It is the ultimate energetic network of everything ever created by each person in their mind by thinking, using their...
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