Welcome to the New Era beloved Soul. As this magnificent year of 2024 is launching in February it is the perfect time for us to come back to the drawing board, check our blueprints and calibrate the True North compass to navigate the New Earth paradigm. Set your dials to adventure mode! Welcome to the New Era of 2024, which is one of the most magical and wonder-filled years we have had in over 2 decades. Ruled by the infinity symbol or number 8 this is a year which promises us great joy, abundance and fulfillment if we are courageous enough to listen to our hearts, to trust the New coming through from on high and tune our heart ears to the Song of the Universe frequencies. This is year that provides us the gifts of spiritual karma where we can truly receive what we are willing to vibrate outwards in kind.
It has been 2 weeks since a massive transit has occurred which launches us into the New Era whether we feel ready or not. The truth is, we agreed to come here as a divine soul for this event and are more prepared than we may consciously realize, as we are rapidly plopped into a new paradigm. On January 20th the soul transformation planet Pluto entered into the sign of Aquarius, the sign of the people, human potential, galactic citizenship and an era of expressing divine humanity as conscious creators. This potent new energy has rolled into our galaxy and we are launching a new era from the very blueprint foundations and upwards. This is a time period discussed in prophecies all over the planet, when ancient souls would incarnate and re-write the divine human experience, innovate new soul based systems and fulfill an evolution of consciousness. Currently we are drawing up the blueprints. We are shifting our relationships to our reality which includes other people, the nature of time, our divine nature or sacred remembering, our passion or dharma and our relation to abundance or money too. We are gifted the first 3 months of the year (until the Spring Equinox of the North or Aries season begins) to go deeply within our hearts, souls and minds to align, prepare, nourish ourselves for the next level which will come in April and May of this year. What do we wish this conscious experience to feel like, for Self and Other? How do we express this, create and share this energy in ways that are divine, sacred and integrous?
As hearts open across the globe we are becoming Feelers again, activating extrasensory abilities, sensitivities to subtle vibrations (think even thoughtforms or the frequencies of words!) and conscious navigation of this paradigm is now suddenly, seemingly overnight, through feeling and energy. The adaptation to the New Era is an artful one which involves more heart than ever before. We are learning to trust our hearts, our feelings and how to listen or honor them with Grace.
We are in an entirely new frontier now in 2024, closing out old paradigms, habits, structures and linear rules, also massive cycles are closing which contributed to our personal individual forming and development from the last 15 years. Collectively all souls who are here on Earth at this amazing time chose to be here to contribute their soul light to the evolution of consciousness, the seeding of the Age of Aquarius. We are at the dawning of this New Era and the terrain is not only vastly different from a creative lens but also shifting rapidly. This is an entirely new energy to learn how to be with, work with, live with and to create from. We are receiving more confirmation of our new sense of self as Source or Divine Souls as well as new projects, passions and soul missions coming through. Change is a huge part of this year of 2024 and we are releasing fears about this, as well as gaining new levels of trust in ourselves, our hearts and energy. For this mastery empowerment course we will share the energetics of these New Earth, New Paradigm ways of being from a holistic perspective to include managing our life force energy and health, unleashing our divine genius to be more creative and innovative, achieving and receiving from the heart magnetics, while using the over arching laws of energy, frequency and vibration, or 3 6 9 as Nikolai Tesla Shared. Part of the Aquarian energies are sourced by a lot of codes from the Arcturians and the Sirians.
Join us Live on Zoom $33 Friday, February 2nd 2024
10am PT | 11am MT | 12pm CT | 1pm ET | 6pm GMT
Together in this live webinar we will explore all of these new opportunities, share the empowering keys & codes to this new paradigm as well as how to navigate the crossroads or choice points as they arise for the next 24 years. Replay will be available 24 hrs after the live broadcast. Register Here
What we will cover
Numerology ~ This class is held live on the 2.2 portal of 2024. We will be working with the code activations and DNA awakening memory triggers brought forth by the sacred numerology of numbers 2 and 8. 2 for the 222 codes of February and the divine reunion with Soul, living as Divinity, what the codes are, what this looks like on practical levels and how it plays out in our daily life as a natural part of our commitment to the Sacred. 8 for the entire year, and the equanimous rules of the Universe, also symbolized by the concept of inhale/exhale, contract/expand, giving and receiving.
Perceiving & Living as Energy: How to let all information “pass through” your consciousness to discern, dissect and digest the vibration to feel how to respond. This initiates our divine gifts as Sacred Feelers, trusting that we are Emotional energetic beings. Fixed states of being vs flowing or wave form energy (particle vs wave balance)
The codes of the Wave form: Learning from water ~Waves of small, large, crest, still waters again, repeat, waterfalls, and whale roads or oceans, formations of water pathways, carving stone.
Planetary Codes of Pluto, Saturn & Uranus ~Part of this course covers the massive evolutionary astrology conversations which we are a part of. We will discuss Pluto and how our personal power or sense of value determines everything in this New Era. To create a stable foundation we have to review what structures do not serve anymore and replace those with more practices, self love and other energetic frequency mastery tools which do serve our Soul light and thus Love to grow. Please use the gifted bonus materials of the True North Compass ascension manual to find your Pluto, Saturn and Uranus in your western zodiac chart, see which house these planets are in to begin to decode what your next phase will look like energetically
Keeping Up with the New Energy: Fast moving photonic light and solar cycle maximum has an immense impact upon our livelihood, lifestyle, energy levels, and energy fields from the physical to the emotional, mental, psychic and also the pain body. Learn to Be Like the Tree to balance your energy and stabilize daily in these fast currents of energy, change and information.
Self-care as a means to rebuild our light and increase our frequency as Divinity in action when we step up to function as Earth Angels or HUmangels here for self and other. It is time to be our own best friends all the time both privately and in public as well.
Other topics include the compass, codes and crossroads which assist us to access the New Era frequencies from within. This year of 2024 adding to 8 really adds a power pack oomph to our abilities to achieve and receive on much higher levels in divine grace and abundance, to uplevel our entire lives through the focus and consistent application of Self love, energetic mastery and states of surrender to deep listening. This is a year where we want to show up and give our honest best each day to reap the maximum benefit of our efforts. This is a year where our energy will be matched intensely with equal measure, so it is our joy to share what we have received for how to navigate this amazing year full of opportunity, change and abundance. Register Here
- Understand the themes of 2024 on emotional, spiritual and energetic levels to build confidence, trust and to feel prepared to flow with the cycles of active and at rest
- Learn the wave form 5 part wisdom teachings to start to surf and navigate your entire experience as energy waves. This is a powerful practice to apply to all aspects of the conscious, quantum life experience.
- Make the most of the amazing divine energies present for your goals of health, happiness or fulfillment, connections with other like Souls, inner peace and unity
- Embrace our natural cosmic connections and nurture this relation ship with your own Divine Soul Power through your Pluto, Connection to
- Divine Time, your Elder wisdom councils with Saturn and your God Source Consciousness through Uranus to embrace change and trust deeply that the Universe has your back.
- Feel emotionally stable and prepared to allow your wildest dreams to come true.
Bonus Materials
- Includes Phoenix Rising Pluto Cosmic Soul Keys mastery empowerment course
- True North Compass ascension manual Ebook to explore 5 different forms of your individual divine blueprints
- Quantum Time Mechanics with the Cosmic Maya mastery empowerment course
- Wave form activation video & guided exploration of the waves of consciousness coming through the collectives
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