Welcome to this monthly mentorship brought to you by the Everything is Sacred Community. For this inaugural “Wise Women” mentoring session, participants discuss self love, removing barriers, the return to the sacred inner child, activations for empowerment and self-discovery. This panel of WISE women mentors includes Sherry Lynn, Merissa Indigo, Jen Cunnings, and Marixa Hathor. The group focused on the significance of self-love, divine femininity and self-healing. We are here as a collective of souls to support the sacred remembering and awakening journey. The necessity of embracing one’s entirety and using creativity for self-expression and healing are stressed. We are here to remind you to value and accept yourself, let go of negative stories and embrace the magic of pure divine love. Embodiment practices to embrace qualities like freedom, creativity, and wisdom is also shared by members.
My first book! I compiled this wisdom in February of 2020 to support families, parents, busy people to get fast results in order to sustain during chaotic times. I saw what was shifting for us and all to come as we transition to the Golden Age for the next decade.
This is a collection of micro practices for mind, body and spirit which can be done with just a few spare moments to enrich your day. Breathwork, self care rituals, Ayurvedic practices, aromatherapy and restorative yoga are some of the treasures in this guide.
This book contains simple life hacks using the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda to de-stress in as little as 3 minutes a day. As a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist and single mom I know how hard it can be to prioritize our self-care. I wrote this with the busiest householders and professionals in mind. Self-care is vitally important to build a reserve of energy, feel fulfilled, maintain immunity and set yourself up for success every day no matter what. Featuring the activational artwork of Lois Eckley. Practices include Vedic cosmology, breathwork, aromatherapy, chromotherapy, yoga and more.
Sacred Self Care gift available to download here
EVERYTHING IS SACRED Private community of wayshowers to assist you to embody the sacred in every area of your life! Hosted on Mighty Networks Mastery. Monthly Level Courses, private webinars & group support, an opportunity to build conscious connections with like minded souls in a private community.
1st month only $3.99! Details here
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