November 19, 2022

Prism Realms for Conscious Living, Prism Vision & Eyes ~Lightbody technology for multi-dimensional sight

We put on our Prism goggles or Kaleidoscope or even Andaras in the eyes to see the fractals and multiple lenses to comb through and know what is aligned.
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November 11, 2022

11:11:22 Messages from the Venusians, Supportive quantum leaps into New Earth

✨From the Venusians✨ Bring everyone and everything into your heart❤ Even the most challenging people, events, circumstances and memories etc. Let your heart light emanate and envelope ALL. Cry
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How to function in a quantum universe

We are collectively transitioning from thinking beings to perceiving beings. Trusting the process of feeling into the energy and innerstanding how to process information through the body is paramount.
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October 23, 2022

Finding True North ~Calibrating your Compass GPS for New Earth

        Feeling stuck on the spiritual journey? Time to calibrate your compass & Find True North Soul…   Eclipse season confronts us with new levels of
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October 21, 2022

Pluto Direct, Navigating Shamanic Elements to Exit 4d

PLUTO DIRECT Navigate to exit 4d October 2022 PLUTO DIRECT Navigate to exit 4d October 2022 “The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on: nor all thy Piety
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October 14, 2022

MASSIVE Growth Codes October 2022 Death & Rebirth cycles, entering New Earth through the body

Hello and welcome to October! If we were to choose one word to describe all the dynamics present, it would be Whammo! Massive month of potential break throughs, quantum
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September 3, 2022

Completion Codes of September, 2022 ~Graduation to a whole new level of quantum experience, create Heaven on Earth

The codes and energetics of September are absolutely massive. The number 9 is completion of cycles, and greater cycles. One can visualize an infinite expanse of concentric circles and
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June 15, 2022

2nd 666 portal of June 2022, Diamond mind, laser precision, discernment & clarity for the awakening journey

2nd 6.6.6 portal today 💎🔥 Diamond clarity, truth cuts through deception like a precision laser. Prisms in the dark mire 🙏💎 Diamond light is a deep penetration to the
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May 28, 2022

Blue Lotus Essence Teachings

  The Blue Lotus, wow where to begin. Such a beautiful and deep mythos arrives through the presence of this gorgeous plant Being. It has such an intoxicating scent,
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April 20, 2022

Sacred Heart Activation & Courage Lightcodes for Starseeds, Lightworkers, Wayshowers ~Saint Joan of Arc Oracle transmission

    April is massive for activations of every kind, all new levels of initiation expanding into more light after these contractions. The solar maximum cycle activity, astrological transits
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